The science behind NMN.

Why Nicotinamide Mononucleotide is a powerful longevity supplement.


The highlights.

  • Boosts cellular health

  • Supports 5 Hallmarks of Ageing

  • Increases NAD+ levels

  • Helps repair your DNA

  • Increases NAD+ levels

    NAD+ is a co-enzym that is a very important fuel for our cells. As you age, NAD+ levels go down. NMN is a pre-cursor to NAD+ and therefore helps raise NAD+ levels.

  • Helps repair DNA

    NAD+ is a fuel to PARP enzymes. PARPs use NAD+ to repair damaged DNA. It is important to keep your DNA healthy to ensure new cells are created and existing cells don’t die.

  • Boosts cellullar health

    Sirtuins are enyzmes that use NAD+ to regulate your epigenome. The epigenome is like the on/off buttons of your genes. As all of your cells have the same DNA, your epigenome ensures that a skin cell acts as such and doesn’t perform other duties.


Is NMN proven to work?

Science is making a lot of progress in the longevity space and the proof is building up. Four reasons why NMN is a powerful longevity supplement:

  1. NMN can reverse age-related issues, such as heart disease, ageing skin, diabetes, brain diseases and low energy

  2. NMN has boosted the lifespan of animals by 30-40%

  3. The first human studies are proving NMN is safe to use and showing promising results

  4. Prominent researchers in the field, such as professor David Sinclair, are taking NMN themselves


NMN is naturally-occurring in our bodies.

Nicotinamide Mononucleotide or NMN is a molecule that is a vitamin B3 derivative. It is found naturally in the human body and in foods such as cabbage, cucumber, soy beans, avocado and broccoli. It is a compound of nicotinamide (a form of vitamin B3) and ribose (a sugar molecule).

NMN boosts NAD+ levels. NAD+ is needed to repair our DNA and maintain overall cellular health. As we age, NAD+ levels go down and supplementing NMN can maintain these NAD+ levels. NAD+ cannot be taken directly as it would be broken down before it enters the bloodstream and that’s why NMN is used to raise NAD+ levels.

NMN is the most powerful longevity supplement on the market today.

It is the subject of many scientific studies and has gained a lot of popularity in the scene of early adopters and bio hackers. For Youth wants to unlock this knowledge and make this product available to everyone.

One of the biggest proponents of NMN is prof. David Sinclair of Harvard Medical School. In his book “Lifespan - Why we age and why we don’t have to” (2019) he describes the vast amount of research into this molecule, but also what it has done to him personally.

NMN helps maintain and repair cells.

NMN is a precursor of co-enzym NAD+, meaning NMN becomes NAD+ through a series of transformations. NAD+ acts as a fuel to other enzymes such as PARPs and sirtuins.

PARPs use NAD+ to repair damaged DNA. It’s important to keep your DNA healthy to make sure new cells can be created and cells don’t die.

Sirtuins use NAD+ to regulate your epigenome. You can view the epigenome as the on/off buttons of your genes. As all of your cells have the same DNA, your epigenome makes sure a skin cell acts as such and doesn’t perform other duties.

As you age, NAD+ levels go down and this impairs your cellular health.

NMN shows remarkable effects in studies.

Humans have a much longer lifespan compared to certain other species, like yeasts and mice. This is the reason why most of discoveries in the space of longevity are made in animal studies. In order to measure the full effect of NMN on humans, studies would have to take a lifetime.

There are already many studies showing that boosting NAD+ levels extends the lives of several organisms (yeast, worms, mice) and that ageing in certain animals can even be reversed. Cognitive health, skin and energy levels are also proven to be improved in such studies.

Human trials are underway to measures effects on the short term, even the US Army is currently testing NMN supplements. It is even shown that supplementation of NMN supports recovery from COVID-19 in older people.

Why NMN and not NR?

As NAD+ is broken down in the gut, we need to rely on precursors to raise NAD+ levels. NMN is not the only precursor to NAD+, so is Nicotinamide Riboside (NR). There are some debates around which precursor is best, but scientific evidence seems to suggest NMN is better than NR.

NR is actually converted into NMN before it converts into NAD+, so you’re one step ahead when you’re taking NMN. In order to convert NR into NMN, phosphate is needed. As there’s not that much phosphate available in your body, there is a high risk NR is not converted efficiently into NMN - leading to less effective results.

Various credible organisations (NASA, US army) and scientists (Sinclair) also prefer NMN over NR.

NMN targets the most important Hallmarks of Ageing.

NMN targets the most important Hallmarks of Ageing. That is why For Youth sees NMN as the base of your longevity supplement regimen.

  • Genomic instability: errors in your DNA

  • Epigenetic alterations: genes are wrongly turned off or on

  • Mitochondrial dysfunction: internal power plants breaking down

  • Stem cell exhaustion: lower tissue maintenance and repair

  • Altered cellular communication: a vicious circles of damage

Learn more about the Hallmarks of Ageing here.


The Base - NMN

NMN keeps your cells young, by boosting NAD+ levels. This supports a longer healthier life.

Read up on the science.

+ NMN raises NAD+ levels

- NAD+ Intermediates: The Biology and Therapeutic Potential of NMN and NR: Imai et al., Cell Metab, 2018 Mar 6;27(3):513-528

- Chronic nicotinamide mononucleotide supplementation elevates blood nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide levels and alters muscle motility in healthy old men: Masaki Igarashi, Masaomi Miura, Yoshiko Nakagawa-Nagahama et al. (pre-print)

+ NMN is safe for human consumption

- Effect of oral administration of nicotinamide mononucleotide on clinical parameters and nicotinamide metabolite levels in healthy Japanese men, Junichiro Irie et al., Endocr J, 2019,

+ NMN supports longevity

- NAD+ repletion improves mitochondrial and stem cell function and enhances life span in mice: Zhang et al., Science, 17 Jun 2016, Vol 352, Issue 6292, pp. 1436-1443

- NMN Supplementation Extends the Healthspan in Mice: Mills et al., 2016, Cell Metabolism 24, 795–806, December 13, 2016,

+ NMN/NAD+ reverts symptoms of ageing

- Long-term administration of nicotinamide mononucleotide mitigates age-associated physiological decline in mice: Imai et al., Cell Metab. 2016 Dec 13; 24(6): 795–806.

- NAD+ Extends Lifespan in Aged Mice: Yoshida M, Satoh A, Lin JB, et al. Extracellular Vesicle-Contained eNAMPT Delays Aging and Extends Lifespan in Mice. Cell Metab. 2019;30(2):329-342

+ NMN boosts immunity

- Influence of NAD+ as an ageing-related immunomodulator on COVID 19 infection: A hypothesis: Omran HM, Almaliki MS. Influence of NAD+ as an ageing-related immunomodulator on COVID 19 infection: A hypothesis. J Infect Public Health. 2020 Sep;13(9):1196-1201