Biological age.

Your body’s age can be objectively measured.

Biological age can prove anti-ageing effects.


Many people wonder how you can prove that anti-ageing products are actually working. Are there any effects to be noticed on the short term? Longevity is about living healthier longer. In order to prove effects in humans, one would have to undertake a lifetime-long scientific research. That would cost a lot of time and money, plus it would drastically slow down scientific development. This is also why a lot of the longevity research is conducted on single cell organisms and animals.

Scientists have recently developed a method to define your body’s “biological age”. Biological age compares the rate of ageing in your body to a normalised rate of ageing. Your biological age can therefore be higher or lower than your chronological age, depending on all kinds of (external) factors like diseases, environment and lifestyle habits. By keeping track of your biological age, we should be able to see whether longevity therapies are working or not.

Horvath’s clock measures your biological age.

In 2013, American-German scientist Steve Horvath developed the currently most-used biological age test. The this test measures so-called DNA methylation - or damage to the epigenome. Your epigenome are the on/off buttons of your genes and the older we get, the more the epigenome gets damaged. Horvath’s clock can be compared to carbon dating to determine the age of archeological artefacts.


Turn back your bio clock.


Horvath’s epigenetic clock measures 353 biomarkers to define biological age. The creation of this clock has opened up a whole new chapter in longevity research as scientists are discovering what slows down and accelerates the biological clock. Living a healthy lifestyle and supplements can slow down the clock. In a pilot research, 9 people were recently put on a cocktail of longevity products which decreased the biological age of the participants by 2.5 years after 1 year. Professor David Sinclair from Harvard Medical School is even claiming that his biological age went down from 58 to 31 over the course of 5 years of taking NMN.

How to test your biological age.

For Youth has launched The Clock - a biological age test to objectively measure your biological age. Take one test to set baseline and a second one 3-6 months apart to measure the effect of your longevity therapies.


Lower your bio age with The Base - NMN

NMN lowers your biological age by boosting NAD+ levels. This supports a longer healthier life.

Read up on the science.

+ The biological age clock

- DNA methylation age of human tissues and cell types, Horvath et al., Genome Biol 14, 3156 (2013).

- DNA methylation and healthy human aging, Jones et al., DNA methylation and healthy human aging, Aging Cell. Dec;14(6):924-32 (2015).

- Reversal of epigenetic aging and immunosenescent trends in humans , Fahy et al., Aging Cell, 18:e13028 (2019).

- Not a read, but a podcast where David Sinclair talks about NMN and the impact on his biological age:

+ The impact of underlying issues on biological age

- Accelerated epigenetic aging in Down syndrome, Horvath et al., Aging cell, 14(3) 491–495 (2015).

- Huntington's disease accelerates epigenetic aging of human brain and disrupts DNA methylation levels, Horvath et al., Aging, 8:1485-1512 (2016).

- HIV-1 Infection Accelerates Age According to the Epigenetic Clock, Horvath et al., The Journal of infectious diseases, 212(10) 1563–1573 (2015).